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add(int, int) - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Add an instruction to a servo to the Bundle
Note: This method does not throw or warn you if this Bundle already contains an instruction to this servo.
Note: This method does not throw or warn you if the targeted position is out of range.
add(Bundle) - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Adds all instructions from the specified Bundle to this Bundle.
Note: This method does not throw or warn you if both Bundles contain instructions to the same servo(s).
Note: This method retains the default execution time of the Bundle.
add(ExecutableCommands) - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
Add an ExecutableCommand to the commands contained in this Collection
api.advanced - package api.advanced
This package contains more advanced features which combine multiple commands into one and allow to save them in an object.
api.basic - package api.basic
This package contains low-level classes and methods to provide direct access to the hardware.
applyPINMapping(String) - Static method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Apply pin-mapping to a given String
applyPositionMapping(String) - Static method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Apply position-mapping to a given String
(Scale the positions of legs as defined in the pinConfig file)


BACK - Static variable in class api.basic.PINConstants
box(int, String...) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
box(String...) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
Bundle - Class in api.advanced
A powerful tool to combine instructions to multiple servos and execute them in parallel
Bundle(int) - Constructor for class api.advanced.Bundle
Create a new Bundle with the specified default execution time
BundleCreator - Class in api.advanced
A convenience class to create Bundles for the most common use cases
BundleCreator() - Constructor for class api.advanced.BundleCreator


clearScreen() - Static method in class api.basic.Console
Collection - Class in api.advanced
A tool to combine multiple ExecutableCommands into one object, which runs all contained commands in parallel.
Collection() - Constructor for class api.advanced.Collection
Create a new, empty Collection.
Collection(ExecutableCommands[]) - Constructor for class api.advanced.Collection
Create a collection and initialize it with the ExecutableCommands contained in the array
connectToDevServer(String) - Method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Connect to a running DevServer using the default port (4444)
connectToDevServer(String, int) - Method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Connect to a running DevServer
Console - Class in api.basic
A static wrapper for com.pi4j.util.Console
Console() - Constructor for class api.basic.Console


DEBUGGING - Static variable in class api.basic.Hexapode
Set this boolean to true to print additional error information and stack traces to the console.
dev.roboscript - package dev.roboscript
dev.server - package dev.server
This package contains a development server to remotely control the hexapod.
DevClient - Class in dev.server
DevClient(URI) - Constructor for class dev.server.DevClient
DevServer - Class in dev.server
This class allows one client at a time to connect and control the hexapod.
DevServerExample - Class in test
Showing how to connect to a DevServer
DevServerExample() - Constructor for class test.DevServerExample


emptyLine() - Static method in class api.basic.Console
emptyLine(int) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
equals(Object) - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
equals(Object) - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
eraseLine() - Static method in class api.basic.Console
Example1 - Class in test
Move a leg
Example1() - Constructor for class test.Example1
Example2 - Class in test
Showcasing Bundles
Example2() - Constructor for class test.Example2
Example3 - Class in test
Showcasing BundleCreator
Example3() - Constructor for class test.Example3
Example4 - Class in test
Showcasing Collections
Example4() - Constructor for class test.Example4
exec() - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Execute the Bundle for the default time specified in the constructor
This method does not block the Thread when invoked.
exec() - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
Call the exec() methods of all contained commands
exec() - Method in interface api.advanced.ExecutableCommands
Execute the Command(s) using the default time
This method does not block the Thread when invoked.
exec() - Method in class api.advanced.Sequence
A version of execBlocking() running in a separate Thread
exec(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Execute the Command(s) for a given time
This method does not block the Thread when invoked.
exec(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
Call the exec(int) methods of all contained commands with the provided time as the argument
exec(int) - Method in interface api.advanced.ExecutableCommands
Execute the Command(s) for a given time
This method does not block the Thread when invoked.
exec(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Sequence
A version of execBlocking(int) running in a separate Thread
exec(String) - Method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Execute a command and apply PIN-mapping
execBlocking() - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
execBlocking() - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
execBlocking() - Method in interface api.advanced.ExecutableCommands
Like ExecutableCommands.exec() but blocks the Thread until the Command has been executed
execBlocking() - Method in class api.advanced.Sequence
Call the execBlocking() methods of all contained commands
execBlocking(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
execBlocking(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
execBlocking(int) - Method in interface api.advanced.ExecutableCommands
Like ExecutableCommands.exec(int) but blocks the Thread until the Command has been executed
execBlocking(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Sequence
Call the execBlocking(int) methods of all contained commands with the provided time as the argument
ExecutableCommands - Interface in api.advanced
The interface that can be implemented to add custom elements to Collections.


FOOT - Static variable in class api.basic.PINConstants
fromCollection(Collection) - Static method in class api.advanced.Sequence
Creates a new sequence by taking the ExecutableCommands from a Collection and initializing a new Sequence using them
FRONT - Static variable in class api.basic.PINConstants


getClient() - Static method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Like getInstance, but forces the returned instance to be in client-mode
Note: This method must be called before calling getInstance()
getCommand() - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Get the command represented by this Bundle.
getCommand(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
getCommands() - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
getInstance() - Static method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Get the shared instance of this Singleton
getIPAddr() - Static method in class dev.server.DevServer
Get the public IP-address in the local network
getRawCommand() - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Get the command currently represented by this bundle (without time).
getTime() - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Get the default execution time specified in the constructor or in setTime
getTime() - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
getTime() - Method in interface api.advanced.ExecutableCommands
Get the default execution time of this Command
getTree() - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Alias for getCommand
getTree() - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
Returns a String containing a tree showing the hierarchy of ExecutableCommands in this Collection
getTree() - Method in interface api.advanced.ExecutableCommands
Get the tree of Command nodes executed by this command


Hexapode - Class in api.basic
Lowest-level class to control the hexapod directly by sending commands.
HIP - Static variable in class api.basic.PINConstants


initPINConfig() - Static method in class api.basic.PINConfig
Initialize the PIN_MAPPING-array in Hexapode.java
This method is called by the constructor so it does not need to be called manually
Interpreter - Class in dev.roboscript
Interpreter() - Constructor for class dev.roboscript.Interpreter
isClient() - Method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Get a boolean whether this instance is a client and must be connected to a DevServer to work
Note: You can not change the mode (client-mode or local-mode) of an instance once it has been created.


KNEE - Static variable in class api.basic.PINConstants


LEFT - Static variable in class api.basic.PINConstants
loadPositionMap() - Static method in class api.basic.PINConfig
Load the position map from a configuration file or ask if a wizard should be started to create one


main(String[]) - Static method in class dev.server.DevServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.DevServerExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.Example1
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.Example2
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.Example3
main(String[]) - Static method in class test.Example4
MIDDLE - Static variable in class api.basic.PINConstants
moveAllLegs(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class api.advanced.BundleCreator
Create a bundle which moves all joints of all legs in parallel
moveLeg(int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class api.advanced.BundleCreator
Create a bundle which moves all joints of a leg in parallel
moveServo(int, int, int) - Method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Wrapper class to execute a simple command


onClose(int, String, boolean) - Method in class dev.server.DevClient
onClose(WebSocket, int, String, boolean) - Method in class dev.server.DevServer
onError(Exception) - Method in class dev.server.DevClient
onError(WebSocket, Exception) - Method in class dev.server.DevServer
onMessage(String) - Method in class dev.server.DevClient
onMessage(WebSocket, String) - Method in class dev.server.DevServer
onOpen(ServerHandshake) - Method in class dev.server.DevClient
onOpen(WebSocket, ClientHandshake) - Method in class dev.server.DevServer
onStart() - Method in class dev.server.DevServer


PIN_MAPPING - Static variable in class api.basic.Hexapode
WARNING: The PINS must not have IDs below 0!
PINConfig - Class in api.basic
This class contains the pin-mapping for all servos of the hexapod
PINConfig() - Constructor for class api.basic.PINConfig
PINConstants - Class in api.basic
Contains constants which can be added up to make it easier to control the servos
PINConstants() - Constructor for class api.basic.PINConstants
PORT - Static variable in class dev.server.DevServer
POS_MULTIP - Static variable in class api.basic.Hexapode
print(Object) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
print(String) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
print(String, Object...) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
printArray(double[]) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
printArray(int[]) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
printArray(T[]) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
println() - Static method in class api.basic.Console
println(char, int) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
println(Object) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
println(String) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
println(String, Object...) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
printTree() - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Prints the result of getTree
printTree() - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
Print the result of getTree
printTree() - Method in interface api.advanced.ExecutableCommands
Print the tree of Command nodes executed by this Command


random(int, int) - Static method in class api.basic.Util
Generate a pseudo-random int ranging from min to max (max excluded)
remove(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Remove all instructions to the specified servo from the Bundle
remove(ExecutableCommands) - Method in class api.advanced.Collection
Remove the first occurrence of a command equal to the one provided as an argument from the collection
This method is an alias of commands.remove(command)
RIGHT - Static variable in class api.basic.PINConstants


savePositionMap() - Static method in class api.basic.PINConfig
Save the current configuration to the configuration file
Note: The old config file is overwritten if it already existed
separatorLine() - Static method in class api.basic.Console
separatorLine(char) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
separatorLine(char, int) - Static method in class api.basic.Console
Sequence - Class in api.advanced
A tool to combine multiple ExecutableCommands into one object, which runs one command after another.
Sequence() - Constructor for class api.advanced.Sequence
Create a new, empty Sequence
Sequence(ExecutableCommands[]) - Constructor for class api.advanced.Sequence
Create a sequence and initialize it with the ExecutableCommands contained in the array
serialCommand(String) - Method in class api.basic.Hexapode
Directly executes a command.
setTime(int) - Method in class api.advanced.Bundle
Set a new default execution time


test - package test
In this package, you can find helpful ready-to-run examples that explain to you step by step how to use this API.
title(String...) - Static method in class api.basic.Console


Util - Class in api.basic
Util() - Constructor for class api.basic.Util


walk() - Static method in class api.advanced.BundleCreator
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